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Leslies Git Command Line Post

by Leslie Ho

14 Oct 2013

So this is my second time doing this. The first time, I forgot to add .git to the end of the origin and upstream so on the plus side, I know how to change the URL for upstream and origin! But I think I've gotten the hang of it and its much cooler than doing it through the github site!

EDIT(10/16/13): So Elliot's instructions were extremely clear cut so I was able to use Git Command Line without anything crazy. So after installing Ruby and github pages, I cloned the class repository, added the class site as my remote upstream, wrote a post in nano about Git Command Line, added and committed the post, then I previewed it on my browser on a local host. I then pushed the post and created a pull request.

That being said, I made some mistakes in doing the post. My first mistake was that I had not added .git to thhe origin and upstream URLs. This caused me to not be able to commit my assignment, but to be honest, I'm not totally sure wheere it went...because there were no error messages. Another mistake I made was when I changed my file-name mid commit because my original file name was named incorrectly. Git wasn't able to commit the post because there was no file under that name(because I didn't change the name in nano).

Q: So I was wondering, how do you softwrap the text in the Git Command line os that the sentence does not just keep going and going in the window?

Here's a screenshot of my process!

Leslie is a BSIS and Anthropology double major. She really likes puppies. Find Leslie Ho on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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