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Elizabeth's Command Line Post

by Elizabeth Peele

14 Oct 2013

This is the first time I have posted from the command line. I have used the command line before, but just for simple tasks, like changing directories, listing contents, or running a php script (that I did not write), so this was a new experience. The process itself was not difficult, it was the complications along the way that made the task take longer and be more cumbersome. First, I could not get git pages to install because my ruby was not the right version, and then I could not get the right version of ruby to work. Once that was taken care of, I realized that I had put my class id as my github name, so my pages would not add properly. Thankfully, Elliott noticed this and helped me to correct it. Lastly, I did not update the pages before adding new content, so github freaked out on me and I turned to the Google Plus community for answers. Grant and Elliott both offered suggestions, and I think I have it working now. Takeaway from this: always update first. It saves a lot of trouble later on.

Overall, the process has been informative. I'm still trying to completely wrap my head around what the vocabulary does in the command line. My biggest worry is accidentally breaking the site. The command line just seems so much more intimidating than working with normal files. Although, I do feel like I'm playing War Games everytime I do something, which is awesome.

I had already closed one of my terminal by the time I took the screenshot, so it's not very informative, but here it is.

Command Line

Elizabeth Peele is a first year MSIS at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Find Elizabeth Peele on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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