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Christopher's Flower on Sun on Flower Turtle

by Christopher Kenrick

11 Oct 2013

Here's my sad attempt at a Turtle post. I spent all day trying to figure it out, but I'm happy enough with how it turned out.

import turtle
import turtlehack
import random

slowpoke = turtle.Turtle()
from turtlehack import *
for i in range(0, 10):
  random_location = (slowpoke, i, i)
  n_sided_polygon(slowpoke, 9, color=random_color(), line_thickness = 3, line_length = 75)

from turtle import *
color ('blue', 'green')
while True:
  if abs(pos()) < 1:

from turtlehack import *
for i in range(95, 109):
  random_location = (slowpoke, i, i)
  n_sided_polygon(slowpoke, 9, color=random_color(), line_thickness = 3, line_length = 25)


Slowpoke the Turtle Screenshot!

Christopher is a dual-degree student studying Information Science and Public Administration. Find Christopher Kenrick on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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