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Input/Output In-Class Exercise

by Ashley Brown

30 Sep 2013

Greetings programmers-to-be,

I’ve attached my screenshots for today’s in-class assignment. Today was a bit of a struggle for me. I don’t think it helps that I have a nasty head cold that is also not allowing me to process information as well. Additionally, I get overwhelmed when it seems like others are picking this up way faster than I am. However, today I appreciated our discussion about breaking things into smaller pieces and taking it step-by-step. And I think step-by-step is also how I will slowly but surely will start to understand things. I need to do things several times before they click – so that means writing the same pieces of code and doing the same exercises over and over again.

Anyway, enough babbling on my part… here are my screenshots:




I am a dual Master's student studying Library Science and Public Administration. Find Ashley Brown on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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