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History of Programming Languages

by Ashley Brown

05 Sep 2013

History of Programming Languages

Aka a history of many smart people

As I was doing the reading (at what point am I considered a "Pythonista?"), I started to think about the broader scope of programming languages. How many are there? Why are there so many of them? Are programmers just trying to show off by creating their own crazy language? Is python just a gateway language to all the other langauges out there and before I know it, I'll be immersed in Perl, C++, and whatever the hot new language on the interwebs?

Anyway, I did some simple google investigating. Here are some interesting things I found:

1) Wikipedia keeps a list of programming languages,found here.

2) Here issome programming languages history humor. Look to year 1991 for Python.

3) Here's a cool infographic on the history of programming languages: History of Programming Languages Format: History of Programming Languages *Infographic by Veracode Application Security

I am a dual Master's student studying Library Science and Public Administration. Find Ashley Brown on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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