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Example of Syntax Highlighting.

by Elizabeth Peele

28 Aug 2013

Here is a code example taken from Ruby's website:

<h3>The Ideals of Ruby’s Creator</h3>

<p>Ruby is a language of careful balance. Its creator, <a href="">Yukihiro “Matz”
Matsumoto</a>, blended parts of his favorite languages (Perl, Smalltalk,
Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp) to form a new language that balanced functional
programming with imperative programming.</p>

<p>He has often said that he is “trying to make Ruby natural, not simple,”
in a way that mirrors life.</p>
Elizabeth Peele is a first year MSIS at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Find Elizabeth Peele on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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