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Project Updates

by Elliott Hauser

02 Dec 2013


  • Questions?

End-of-semester stuff:

  • Github has limitations as an LMS, so your help is appreciated making sure you've gotten proper credit
  • Check that your post or issue is tagged to each milestone if you completed it on time.
  • Get the links to your three (or two, if you went to a big workshop) Meetups
  • Make sure you're on my Extra Credit list if you did extra credit

Project updates

(Timekeepers: 7 minutes and 10 minutes)

  • What's your milestone list now?
  • What's your progress?
  • What's your plan to finish?

Presentation Order

To determine this order, I'll run the following code:

from random import shuffle

list = range(1,16)          # There are 15 groups

print list

Here are the group numbers:

  1. Yu
  2. Dave, Elizabeth, and Amber
  3. Kyle
  4. Alex
  5. Jaleesa
  6. Caroline
  7. Mary
  8. Ashley, Landon, and Danielle
  9. Olivia, Leslie, and James
  10. Stacey and Michelle
  11. Jonathon and Grant
  12. Sarah
  13. Chris
  14. Josh
  15. Erin
Elliott Hauser is a PhD Student in information science at UNC Chapel Hill. He's hacking education as one of the cofounders of Find Elliott Hauser on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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