Fork me on GitHub

Sixteenth Class Notes

by Elliott Hauser

21 Oct 2013


  • Github Check-in

Making a new Jekyll site

With Jekyll installed, type:

jekyll new mysite

Jekyll will set up a brand new site in the mysite/ folder.

To get there, then type

cd mysite

You can ls to see what Jekyll did.

Making a git repo

To make a new git repo in the site, type:

git init

init stands for initialize. This will make a git repo with no commits in it. Type git status to see what the status is; you'll see that all of your files are new files.

Let's make a commit.

# This adds all the files:
git add .

# This commits them:
git commit -m "Added my blank Jekyll site"

There are a bunch of files in the _site/ directory that we want to ignore: they're a write-only dump and we don't need them up on Github. To do this, type nano .gitignore and add the following to the file that comes up:


The .gitignore file can be set to ignore all sorts of irrelevant stuff, depending on your project.

We must add and commit these changes:

git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Ignore _site/ directory"

When you do this, type git status to check that no _site/ files are there.

You could also start up the Jekyll server to see what it looks like:

jekyll serve --watch

The --watch flag is optional, but makes the site update when you change it. jekyll serve will create the _site/ directory but you shouldn't see those files in git status if you've done the .gitignore correctly.

Getting ready for Github Pages

Github looks for a branch called gh-pages to display on the Internet. We need to rename the default master branch to gh-pages. Do that this way:

git branch -m master gh-page

The -m flag "moves" (renames) the existing branch for us. Nice!

Creating a Repo on

Go to and log in if you're not already. Create a new repository by clicking the "New Repository" button. This is most easily accessed from your profile page.

I recommend calling your repo the same thing you called your Jekyll site, for simplicity. So we'd name ours mysite.

Don't check the box that creates a README.

Pushing to Github.

We can now add our new repo as a remote:

git remote add origin{your-username}/mysite

And push our commits

git push origin gh-pages

Exercise Due by Monday

Open an Issue in our silshack fall2013 repo with a link to your new Jekyll repo by midnight tonight.

Elliott Hauser is a PhD Student in information science at UNC Chapel Hill. He's hacking education as one of the cofounders of Find Elliott Hauser on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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