Rachel Anne's Treasure Turtles

by Rachel Anne

29 May 2018

Woo, soory this a little on the late side, I didn’t have internet access for much of the weekend and literally got this working less than two minutes before class started. Here is the my trinket:

This was a fun assignment, and I had a great time figuring out the logic for checking to see how close the coordinates were. For several hours, I was playing with different equations and wondering if there was something I was missing, until I finally realized rather than measuring one coodinate plus or minus a certain variable, I could subtract one coordinate from the other and compare it to a variable.

One thing I did that I thought was pretty clever, was coding in a treasure turtle to help me test the program more quickly. I deleted it once I got my program to work, but it could be cool to add it back to help people develop their spatial awareness of the plane.

Rachel Anne is a rising second-year MSIS student interested in UX. Find Rachel Anne on Twitter, Github, and on the web.