Final Plan: Get The Treasure!

by Rachel Anne

11 Jun 2018

For my final, I plan to create a game called “Get the Treasure!” The game has five levels, which start out super easy (like the only way you can fail the first level is if you don’t do anything) and steadily increase in difficulty. The concept is that rather that you have to retrieve a stolen treasure from the lair of a mysterious thief. The treasure is a diamond, and I’m considering using the diamond I made on the first day of class as part of the win screen as a nod to my starting place in the class.

Anyway! I’ve had my milestones written up for a while. I actually got confused and thought the milestones for this project were what we were supposed to discuss last week, so I’ve put a fair bit of thought into what I want each level to do and what kinds of methods and functions I might be using to make it possible. I’ve already shoved these thoughts, commented out into a Trinket. I find that this helps me keep my code organized as I work. Here that trinket is:

Rachel Anne is a rising second-year MSIS student interested in UX. Find Rachel Anne on Twitter, Github, and on the web.