Logical Turtle Exercise

by Maddy

22 May 2018

Logical Turtle Exercise


To start off, I’ll go ahead and post my logical turtle exercise that we started in class on Tuesday, May 22.

This code started off as simply the user inputting their age and favorite color and the program producing circles in specific places on the coordinates based on the age. That admittedly is boring and just unacceptable (in the sense that I know I can do something better than that). I struggled in class to really think of a solid idea that made this into a game or something more interactive with the user. I came home. Had a snack (raw cookie dough, if you were curious). Distracted myself a little more with some short YouTube video. And then tried again.

I started thinking of potential ideas, but all probably involved loops, which I don’t know how to do yet. I thought of a few more and actually thought they would be better for the turtlehacks assignment. Ultimately, one idea led to another and I finally decided to make what I had started off with into a guessing game. I realized that although the user gave me specific input values, they have no idea what exactly I did with them. In a way, my program forces the user to work backwards and decipher how I used the main input (age) to create something on the screen and the exact location it was done at.

I definitely benefited from taking a break in this case. I was experiencing some “programmer’s” block (is that a thing?). Any who, here is what I finished up with. Can you go through and figure out the problem without looking at the code?

Here it is:

Maddy is a Professional Science Master's student at UNC-Chapel Hill studying Biomedical & Health Informatics. Find Maddy on Twitter, Github, and on the web.