hollaATyacodegirl's BlackJack Project Milestones

by Halina Krzystek

06 Jun 2018

I did my best to break down my simplified BlackJack project into do-able, separate milestones. The milestones still need some clarification, but this is a good starting point.

06.05.2018- BlackJack App- Milestones

  1. Create a ‘deck of cards’: i.e. Generate a random number 1-10
  2. Deal ‘two cards’: Randomly generate to the user and dealer each, one hidden one shown
  3. Compute sum for user and dealer, store… Dealer sum must be between 16-21
  4. Ask the user whether they want to “HIT” or “STAY”
  5. If user returns “HIT”, add another randomly generated number to the user

USER: *randomly generate two numbers *randomly generate a number between 16 and 21 *compute sum, store and show *ask user whether they want to “HIT” or “STAY” - *if user choses “HIT”, add another random number, update the total, and check if total > 21 *if > 21, automatically lose *if <= 21, continue to ask user whether to “HIT” or “STAY” until user inputs “STAY” DEALER: *randomly generate a number between 16 and 21

  • return User’s sum - return Dealer’s ‘sum’


  • compare User’s sum separately, is it <21? if not = BUST, User looses
  • compare User’s sum and Dealer’s sum: …

I need to put in more work on breaking down the comparison between the User’s sum and the Dealer’s number. Putting it on the to-do list!

Halina is a grad student at UNC Chapel Hill in North Carolina, pursuing a PSM in Biomedical Informatics. She is interested in the analysis of large biological data sets to inform health decisions. Find Halina Krzystek on Twitter, Github, and on the web.