Refactoring Custom Turtles

by Rachel Anne

24 May 2018

Here is my original submission for the Custom Turtles assignment.

As a series of nested circles, it made a perfect choice for refactoring.

Each circle was made up of a set of commands, like so:

’’’ #droplet1 circle(0,10,20) tina.penup() tina.setx(0) tina.sety(-10) tina.pendown() ‘’’

I used this code to define a function that makes circles.

’’’ #make circles def circle(x,y,z): tina.penup() tina.setx(x) tina.sety(y) tina.pendown() ‘’’

From there, I called the four outer circles like so:

’’’ circle(0,-10,20) circle(0,-30,40) circle(0,-60,70) circle(0,-100,110) ‘’’

Much simpler and easier to read than the older version, and hey! it still works, as you can see here:

Rachel Anne is a rising second-year MSIS student interested in UX. Find Rachel Anne on Twitter, Github, and on the web.