Final Set of Final Milestones

by Rachel Anne

18 Jun 2018

#So last week, I reported my milestones as such:

My goal is to:

  1. finish the narratorial stuff by Friday
  2. make sure I can get from one level to the next over Friday/Saturday
  3. [] flesh out the levels before class on Monday
  4. [] fine tune until the final

**Dictionary uses: ** [] The user has three lives, keep track of those [] Find more things to store in the dictionary, maybe?

Milestone 1: Level 1

  1. [] Make a story line that appears and disappears.
  2. [] Make a screen that changes colors to mimic a sunset. (Done in python)
  3. [] Make a moon that appears when the screen is black
  4. [] Listen for user interaction to end the level

Milestone 2: Level 2

  1. Make a storyline that appears and disappears.
  2. [] Make a screen that looks like a shattered ceiling window. (Purely visual, Done in Canva)
  3. [] Make a rope on your screen, make it two pixels wider than the character
  4. [] Listen for user interaction
  5. [] If the character touches the edge of the rope, they lose a life

Milestone 3: Connect levels 1 and two

  1. [] Need more info to determine how this works
  2. [] This is a big milestone, do NOT put it off for last

Milestone 4: Level 3

  1. [] Make a storyline that appears and disappears.
  2. [] Make a screen that looks like an empty room. (Purely visual, Done in Canva)
  3. [] Make set number of laser turtles that come towards character turtle
  4. [] Make character have set jumping and landing abilities.
  5. [] If the laser turtle hits you, you lose a life If the lazer turtles dont hit you, you win the level Listen for user interaction

Milestone 5: Level 4

  1. [] Make a story line that appears and disappears.
  2. [] Make a grid with hidden bombs
  3. [] Make your character move the size of ech grid
  4. [] Make your character move by click, to opposite -x,-y values
  5. [] Listen for user interacton

Milestone 6: Level 5

  1. [] Make a story line that appears and disappears.
  2. [] Make a keyhole
  3. [] Make a keyturtle that quickly descends from the ceiling
  4. [] If the user presses a key when the keyturtle lines up with the keyhole, they win
  5. [] Listen for user interaction

Milestone: win and lose screens

  1. [] All you have to do is make screens

Here are my new milestones…

My goal is to:

  1. finish the narratorial stuff by Friday
  2. make sure I can get from one level to the next over Friday/Saturday
  3. [] tie up loose ends and flesh out the levels before class by 6pm Tuesday
  4. [] fine tune until the final

**Dictionary uses: **

  1. Make pictures
  2. [] Resize pictures
  3. [] Store pictures in dictionaries

Milestone 1: Level 1

  1. Make a basic level screen with instructions
  2. [] Make a for loop that cycles through sunset pictures dictionary

Milestone 2: Level 2

  1. Make a basic level screen with instructions
  2. Make a rope on your screen, make it two pixels wider than the character
  3. [] If the character touches the edge of the rope, they lose

Milestone 3: Connect levels

  1. Define functions that are called when keys are pressed to jump from one level to the next

Milestone 4: Level 3

  1. Make a basic level screen with instructions
  2. Make a laser class
  3. [] make a set number of laser turtles that come towards character turtle
  4. Make character move with arrow keys
  5. [] If the laser turtle hits you, you lose

Milestone 5: Level 4

  1. Make a basic level screen with instructions
  2. Make your character move using arrow keys
  3. Make your character move by setting move amount and turn amount values to negative numbers

Milestone 6: Level 5

  1. Make a basic level screen with instructions
  2. Make a keyhole
  3. Make a keyturtle that quickly descends from the ceiling
  4. [] If the user presses a key when the keyturtle lines up with the keyhole, they win

Milestone: Screens

  1. [] Make win screen
  2. [] Make lose screen
  3. [] Make help screen
  4. Make screen listen for interaction

If I pull out my tasks, I get something like this:

  1. [] Resize pictures
  2. [] Store pictures in dictionaries
  3. [] Make a for loop that cycles through sunset pictures dictionary
  4. [] If the character touches the edge of the rope, they lose
  5. [] make a set number of laser turtles that come towards character turtle
  6. [] Make if statements to test levels 2, 3, 4, and 5 to make sure the user is within bounds
  7. [] Make win screen
  8. [] Make lose screen
  9. [] Make help screen

Are there any roadblocks ahead? Is there anything your group can do to help out? I don’t think there are any road blocks ahead, but I am worried about two things…

  1. How do I get these if statements up and running?
  2. What the heck is going to go in my external data file?!

Are your milestones ambitious enough? Make sure to include some stretch goals. I definitely think what I have left to do is plenty, considering the time we have left. If I were to add one extra feature, it would be custom characters to chose from.

Are you able to keep to your plan? Looking back at what you’ve actually done, is the difference accountable to bad planning (i.e. not anticipating what needed to be done), bad execution (not doing it), or something else? I do think I suffered from a little bit of bad planning, as well as some bad execution (I had unanticipated company this weekend, so I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked. In terms of bad planning, I didn’t really take into account the benefits of choosing certain functionalities from a user perspective. For example, I ended up electing to ditch lives all together and allow for users to skip levels intentionally. This allows users with impaired motor skills to get past level 2, and allows anyone to skip to a level theu think is most fun and/or challenging.

Explicitly state what you’re working on next and what you intend to accomplish before you turn in your project. I anticipate the hardest parts of my code being the if statements that test the location of the character and fixing the laser turtle class, so I plan to work on them next and get them working (or request help!) before I do anything else.

Here is my code.

I’m a little embarassed because I didn’t make a snapshot trinket from the last Milestones post, so the code appears the same here as it does there. I will make sure not to make this mistake again for my final submission.

Rachel Anne is a rising second-year MSIS student interested in UX. Find Rachel Anne on Twitter, Github, and on the web.