Aravind's Clicky Turtle!

by draravindrk

04 Jun 2018

Here is my Clicky Turtle. I tried to create two zones for turtle to pick colors when clicked on the respective zones and the turtle chooses the zone’s color to draw a line as it moves. And, one zone which restricts the turtle to it’s inner teritory.

I have used the helper function and to restrict tina to the inner zone for which I have used the following code.

def helper(x,y):
  if y >= 100:
    y = 100
  if y <= -100:
    y = -100
  if x >= 100:
    x = 100
  if x <= -100:
    x = -100

Turtle picks colors when clicked on the respective zones and it chooses the zone’s color to draw a line as it moves

python3 def clicky(x, y): if x > 100 and y > 100: tina.pencolor('Blue') if x < 100 and y > 100: tina.pencolor('Green') else: (a,b) = helper(x,y) tina.goto(a,b)

Below is the link to my Clicky Turtle on Trinket:

Here's a little about draravindrk Find draravindrk on Twitter, Github, and on the web.