Aravind's BlackJack App Game

by draravindrk

11 Jun 2018

Here is the link for my BlackJack App Game

Further Milestones for an advanced version/improvement:

Presently the code adheres to the BASIC requirements outlined in the assignement. I would ideally like update this code to meet the advanced requirements while are as follows:

  1. Account for Jacks, Queens and Kings

  2. Have a more sophisticated “get_dealer_score” function to incrementally deal cards to the dealer.

Further Work:

As a further step, I envision the following improvements:

  1. Account for limited number of cards of each value. Ex: card of “value=3” cannot be drawn more than 4 times. I guess this should be done by creating a list of deck of cards and drawing from that list whenever a card is dealt. (tracking each of the 52 cards for every draw.

  2. Account for suits as per the role that they play in the BlackJack Game. (I’m not particularly familiar with this)

Here's a little about draravindrk Find draravindrk on Twitter, Github, and on the web.