Scylarmartin's Black Jack Milestone

by Martin Meng

06 Jun 2018

This milestone is for the basic version of the balckjack game:

  1. Create a list for the card. (random number from 1-10)

  2. Create the first round of dealing card. To be specific, in this round of dealing card, python will show the sum of the user’s two cards. and will record(but not show to the user) the dealer’s card.

3.Generate a formula for dealer that dealer will stop hitting when the sum of its card is equal or beyond 16. Could realize that with an ‘if’ in a ‘for’ loop.

4.Generate the options of users to choose HIT or STAY. Exit the loop when user choose to stay.

  1. Determine who is the winner. It is easy to set with the conditional command.

  2. Design a congratulation animation or a loop that ask users want to play another game? I can also try to trace the score of multiple game.

For further advanced design, the first issue i should figure it out is to generate a list that is same as real poker(52 card and non-repplaeble(

First year SILS student in UNC. Looking forward to work in data analytics area. Find Martin Meng on Twitter, Github, and on the web.