Tia's turtle hack

by Tia Carmon

24 May 2018

Here’s my turtle hack. My turtle’s name is Tati. I started out trying some new cool stuff such as changing Tati’s color after clicking her with the mouse. It worked but I could only get it to work for the last position that Tati was in. Here’s the code I used

#stamp tati where mouse is clicked- used class resource at this website https://docs.python.org/2/library/turtle.html#turtle.write
def mstamp (x,y):
    tati.color ("goldenrod")
    tati.stamp ()

My turtle hack is themed based on the story of the turtoise and the hare. Here it is:

Also, here’s my logical turtle from Tuesday night’s class

Neither of my turtles came out the way that I intended. I have learned that it takes me longer than I think to program. I’m going to create a duplicate of my turtle hack and work on my turtle hack some more on my ownn.

Thanks for reading! Tia

Tia is a BMHI student spending Summer 2018 taking INLS 560 Find Tia Carmon on Twitter, Github, and on the web.