Going to the meetup I already held some knowledge of databases after taking a class in SILS, however the meetup taught me many new terms and languages that I didn’t know of before. One such is the language of Gremlin they mentioned as gaining traction. I also ended up hearing some things about UI developers needing to be versed in REACT. The meeting they hold typically occur on a monthly basis, and the atmosphere of the whole event felt inviting, with a session relegated to asking who was looking for a job and who was hiring. In addition to this there was also mention of some strategies for dealing with databases focusing on proactive work rather than reactionary work. This was talked about with the USE basis. Overall this meetup introduced me to many topics and gave me some insight on how the people in the field work. There were also some promoting via some stickers, pens and other materials that the speaker and other members brought. It reminds me of the materials that drug reps take to doctors.