Treasure Turtle Reflection

by Damola Ajao

29 May 2018

Trying to engage the assignment I wanted to use the mouse as a method for the user to search for the treasure. Thus I made a function for tina to draw a line. This may have been unnecessary as a function to record the turtle’s location after singular clicks would have been more effective. Regardless of this attempt I ran into issues with the code’s first while loop.I constantly ran into the error of bad input on the code’s first while loop. This indcates for me a weakness that I must work on to overcome. An issue in my code that I question is how to record variables. Can the set variable in a function be continuously used for loops and the failure to set a variable outside the function is the cause of the bad input error or is it due to my failings in properly setting the mouse coordinates to two different variables?

Here's a little about Damola Find Damola Ajao on Twitter, Github, and on the web.