Regex & basic search

by Elliott Hauser

29 Mar 2016


Here’s my solution for the exercies:

Notice: no i = 0, no while loops, and no range() needed. Lots of for loops and, to get fancy, .join()ing around a "\t".

In short, slice out the rows you want, for loop over them, and do something with each row.

Jekyll & git

Hard homework? This was like a blog post, walk-thru, or stack overflow answer. Even starting with exactly the same development environment, small deviations from or errors in the instructions can throw you off.

I made a how-to.

You’ll have a second chance to improve your posts before being evaluated on their formatting.




Just like last time, I recommend glancing over the first ones and working on the last one together.

Elliott Hauser is a PhD Student in information science at UNC Chapel Hill. He's hacking education as one of the cofounders of Find Elliott Hauser on Twitter, Github, and on the web.