Git and Guests!

by Elliott Hauser

24 Mar 2016


Here’s my solution for the exercies:

Notice: no i = 0, no while loops, and no range() needed. Lots of for loops and, to get fancy, .join()ing around a "\t".

In short, slice out the rows you want, for loop over them, and do something with each row.

Set Up Git

Git is what we’ve been using underneath github, we just didn’t know it. Having access to it on the command line will make you uber powerful!

Your homework over the weekend is to use the command line to make edits to your posts when they have formatting problems and otherwise generally clean up your posts in a way that isn’t practical on github.

Also, welcome to the command line.


Welcome Sylvia Pellicore and Thu Mai Christian.

Elliott Hauser is a PhD Student in information science at UNC Chapel Hill. He's hacking education as one of the cofounders of Find Elliott Hauser on Twitter, Github, and on the web.