Python on the Web; Review; Final Project

by Elliott Hauser

12 Apr 2016


  • A few final project updates, in bold on the assignments list. Nothing new, just stuff I forgot
  • A few ‘lift-off’ sightings on the homework! Awesome. APIs are great and this class only begis to do them justice.
  • In my gradebook, one or two entries of “Half-ass”. You reap what you sow, learners!

Cowsays: APIs are cool

What is the structure (schema) of the request? Read the docs.
Why didn’t I give you a link to the docs?

Dict Review

Make a dict

mydict = { }
mydict = dict()
mydict = { "key" : "value" }

Get a value

# returns "value"

Dict of dicts

# set "key" value equal to empty dict from the start
mydict = { "key" : {} }

# OR if dict already exists set "key" equal to empty dict this way:
mydict["key"] = {}

# put a value in the inner dict
mydict["key"]["inner key"] = "inner value"

In our homework there was a dict of lists of dicts with lists of dicts oh my! When you encouter this stuff, go back to home base: print & type to learn more.

Final Projects Brainstorms

Initial split: Data anlaysis & Turtle. Pick whichever one it’d be helpful to talk about if you’re on the fence.

Data analysis people: Start with Data Scatergories

Go around, state your proposed project, and work with the group to critique and strengthen it. Ask questions of each other!

Elliott Hauser is a PhD Student in information science at UNC Chapel Hill. He's hacking education as one of the cofounders of Find Elliott Hauser on Twitter, Github, and on the web.