Natalie's turtle exercise

by Natalie Le

14 Jan 2016

Turtle program with prompts

My Turtle program

As I was doing this exercise, I felt that the hardest part is knowing what I want the program to do. I ended up taking Tina on a yellow road like Dorothy. I wanted to make Tina do a loop but not sure how to. I chose to code using coordinates because I thought dealing with turning left, right is annoying (I kept confusing the angles when I made an equilateral triangle in class). But after finishing this, I think it makes better sense to just use “forward etc” because I can just copy the codes instead of having to figure out the coordinates every time. It was fun though. If I had more time I would try to do a Tina pacman.

Natalie is a first year MSPH student at the Gillings School of Public Health. Find Natalie Le on Twitter, Github, and on the web.