Strings! by namagic

by Omar Kashef

09 Feb 2016

String Ex 1

I keep getting this same error #IndexError: string index out of range. I’ve attempted to debug it with no luck. Strangely though, this program continues to run. Index is set at 0. While the index is less than the length of the fruit, than backwards is equal to fruit starting at index minus one. I’m not sure why the string index is out of range.

String Ex 3

My goal was to allow users to input what they wanted for the word or letter, but I couldn’t get that to work. Within the code it can be changed, but I’m not sure how useful that is. I tried to set the if statement to run if the length of the string for the letter input is 1. However, counter is taking in both arguments, letter and wrod.

String Ex 4

This was pretty straightforward.

String Ex 5

Also pretty straightforward.

Omar is a second-year graduate student studying both Public Administration and Information Science. I'm an avid reader (current favorite books: Alice in Wonderland and Clockwork Orange) and I still play DDR. Find Omar Kashef on Twitter, Github, and on the web.