Omar's Revised Project Plan

by Omar Kashef

18 Apr 2016

Updated Trinket: <iframe src="" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Are there any roadblocks ahead? Is there anything your group can do to help out?

Snag 1

For this first update, I wanted to be able to print out inflow and outflow numbers neatly. When a user types in a desired county, the idea was that it would only print out the needed information; however, anytime Orange was typed, it would return every row with Orange in it. I was able to fix that by using two if statements with the words I was seeking that would ensure that no unnessecary data is printed out.

Snag 2

I am not sure how to manipulate a csv file to add a column as well as creating a function to subtract or add from different csv files. I couldn’t find anything in the python documentation about adding a field. I can see how to add a new row, but not a field.

Snag 3

Since I cannot figure out how to add a new column, I cannot create functions to add newly created fields.

Are your milestones ambitious enough? Make sure to include some stretch goalst?

I don’t think they’re too ambitious yet, but I might have to reevaluate by Thursday. I am behind on my plan though and I haven’t fully thought about how to include the top three counties. However I believe I can do that by selecting the three rows under the “County Non-migrants” item. In regards to my own planning, I underestimated the difficulty in writing over a csv file. While the easy way out would be to edit the actual csv file and then read it, but that would defeat the purpose. Had I been able to anticipate this, I might have had more time to actually work on my code.

Explicitly state what you’re working on next and what you intend to accomplish before next class.

Before class on Thursday, my goal will be to finish up unfinished milestones that I had planned for Tuesday. Particularly in attemtping to resolve the snags noted above. I might need help though either from my group or more google searching. I think I have to open a csv file in write mode, but when I tried previously, I ended up deleting the information in the csv file.


Already Completed

  • Create main menu with 5 options: main menu, using module data, add data, help, and exit
  • Create functions for each of the 5 options
  • Create while loop for cycling through options
  • Handle bad file name input
  • Allow user to select county

For Tuesday

  • Handle bad input for selected county
  • Create working function to calculate household size: Exemptions/Returns
  • Create working function to calculate AGI per Return: (AGI * 1000)/Returns
  • Find a method to print just inflow categories (US & Foreign; US; Same State; Different State; Foreign; Non-Migrants)
  • Find a method to print just outflow categories (US & Foreign; US; Same State; Different State; Foreign; Non-Migrants)
  • Calculate net migration information by subtracting inflow and outflow returns and exemption numbers
  • Create working function to calculate AGI for net migration
  • Print out numbers neatly for inflow, outflow, and net for selected county

For Thursday

  • Devise method to find top three couunties flowing into selected county that have a matching outflow counties
  • Print out inflow, outflow, and net migration numbers for top three inflow counties with matching outflow counties

For Tuesday (4/25)

  • Visualization for county net migration
  • Visualization for top county inflow

Until 4/29

  • Add Census API to bring in basic info about county (population, households, median income)
  • Make sure code is clean, commented
Omar is a second-year graduate student studying both Public Administration and Information Science. I'm an avid reader (current favorite books: Alice in Wonderland and Clockwork Orange) and I still play DDR. Find Omar Kashef on Twitter, Github, and on the web.