Come On and Slam

by Jason Wang

10 Feb 2016

Very similar exercise to to set up as the chapter 8 in-class exercises initially. The While loop takes a string and initially compares if it is the “done” command. If not, it adds the string to a list. From there, it adds each part of the list to a new string, where it is stripped and printed as an intact, combined string.

The only thing I could not resolve is the little space that precedes the printed phrase. A minor formatting issue, but I couldn’t fix it.

I was curious afterwards and looked for a method that could to a similar job, and found stringname.join(list). Interestingly, each example uses a dash to mark boundaries between each string.

wagerpascal claims that he goes to UNC, but the time he spends at NC State suggests otherwise. Find Jason Wang on Twitter, Github, and on the web.