Jason's Final Project Idea and Milestones

by Jason Wang

13 Apr 2016


With data from http://netsg.cs.sfu.ca/youtubedata/ I plan to use the data set of how video viewcount grow over time, and will create a visualization of several sets (most likely decided by the greatest increase). I will also compare the overall rating with the number of comments. Finally, the video rate and view count will be compared. The top ten fastest growing videos and the top 10 slowest growing videos will also be outputted.


  • Multiple Data Files.
  • Generalizable to a class of data files.
  • Text-based.
  • Method of calling a “help” function.
  • Iterative Interface. (While loop)
  • Include code in public github repo (Cloud 9)
  • Text printouts of data
  • Function that opens user’s imported file upon request.
  • Function that creates horizontal histogram for comparing rating with number of comments, video rate and viewcount.
  • Function that creates a line graph for modeling how the video viewcount changes over time.
  • Function to allow the user to exit the program if desired.
  • Create a function to determine the overall growth of view count (beginning crawl vs. ending crawl) and rank appropriately.
  • Use video ID’s from determining top 10 and bottom 10 view count growth rates and graph selected videos.


To integrate the Youtube API and gather data from the most popular videos. Also, to determine the type of growth certain videos follow (i.e. linear, exponential, etc.).

Stretch Milestones

  • Integrate youtube API
  • Collect current view count rates of popular videos and compare to data set.
  • Regression analysis for determining type of growth.
wagerpascal claims that he goes to UNC, but the time he spends at NC State suggests otherwise. Find Jason Wang on Twitter, Github, and on the web.