Jason's Exercise 2 Problems

by Jason Wang

18 Jan 2016

Take a look:


Overall, I learned some interesting stuff about the properties of int and float types, and concatenation behavior.

I had a bit of a mixup with integers (int) and floating points (float) initially. This led to some errors when I was trying to round the values due to disagreements between the datatypes, i.e. float() doesn’t work with integers, and integers and floats don’t work together. Mildly frustrating when I figured that out. Also, I forgot that you need to convert the numbers into strings before you can concatenate them into the print functions. Nothing serious, but just for readability. Guess the lightbulbs are slowly warming up. Unfortunately, I believe that most of the variable properties and procedure were learned during the turtle hacking project- but there were still things to learn here.

Finally, for the reading- exercise 4 has an operator for exponents called “*”. Does that still apply to python? I could only find documentation for “**” instead.

wagerpascal claims that he goes to UNC, but the time he spends at NC State suggests otherwise. Find Jason Wang on Twitter, Github, and on the web.