Polygons strike back

by Jason Wang

27 Jan 2016



I took my polygon drawer from the first turtle exercise and created two functions- polygon() and chaircolor(chair_color, filledcol). My goal for the polygon() function was to make it auto-generating; the side number is generated from random.randrange(). However, chaircolor still takes the colors specified through questions. I didn’t notice it before, but the arrow’s outline color does change, so the attribute is not entirely overwritten. In addition, I added try/except conditions for the color function in case of bad inputs. For the objective to return something, I included that the function return “True” when done coloring/filling, which then activates an if statement and a print function that prints that the drawing is done.

This exercise wasn’t too difficult as the Chapter 4 exercises had made sure that I understand how to use functions, as well as that I was lucky that this program was already somewhat cleaned up to start with. The main issue that I ran into was that I was first attempting to directly print a function from the return function, but I realized that it could not be used this way, and used the if statement method instead.

wagerpascal claims that he goes to UNC, but the time he spends at NC State suggests otherwise. Find Jason Wang on Twitter, Github, and on the web.