Hannah's Game Milestones

by Hannah Wang

02 Mar 2016

For my game app, I will be making a rock-paper-scissors game where the user plays against the computer. The user will be able to choose rock, paper, or scissors by clicking a button with an icon of the object. After they choose, the computer will randomly select rock, paper, or scissors, and that choice will be displayed. If the user won (e.g. rock over scissors), they will get one point, and if the computer wins, it will get one point. The score will be recorded on screen. After either the user or the computer earns 10 points, the screen will show either a winning or a losing screen, respectively.

  • create screen setup with three buttons on the left side, one button on the left side (for display of computer’s choice), and the score at the top
  • import images for RPS icons
  • create clicky function for user choice
  • create random function for computer choice
  • create capability for app to determine which value is greater (possibly by assigning values to RPS? or if statements using “and”?)
  • create counter to keep track of score
  • create screen clear
  • create win screen (one option outside of loop, in if statement)
  • create lose screen (other option outside of loop)
Hannah Wang is a second semester MSIS student at SILS. Find Hannah Wang on Twitter, Github, and on the web.