I feel like I’ve been making good progress on my data analysis project. I did run into a small roadblock with GitHub earlier. When I originally pushed my files to my GitHub repository, there were a bunch of random files. I thought there were useless so I deleted them, but then I couldn’t push my updated files because it said something about how it wasn’t in sync (or something like that). Cloud 9 said to pull from my repository but I was worried it would mess up my files so I created an entirely new workspace on Cloud 9 and a new repository and set everything up again. That didn’t take too long, but it was definitely a roadblock. For one of my milestones I wanted to achieve by Thursday, I wanted to order my dictionary of dictionaries. I know we ordered dictionaries before in an exercise, but we printed out the list from the dictionary and not the dicationary itself so I was unable to figure that part out. I didn’t have enough time to fully figure this one out, so I’ll have to spend a bit more time on it. Other than that, I feel like I’ve been able to keep with my plan fairly well.
My Data Analysis Project Repository:
For Thursday:
- have the help function print tips and more instructions for the user
- format the printouts so that it doesn’t just print the dictionary
- fully complete at least one of the functionalities for the options
- order the data within the dictionary
For Tuesday:
- fully finish all options within option 2
- start adding functionality for option 1
- start visualizing certain printouts
- order the data within the dictionary of dictionaries
Old Milestones:
- include at at least two of the four data sets
- allow users to search through any type of data set
- have a text-based interface
- have a “help” function that the user can access by typing “/help” (or something similar to that)
- allow the user to keep searching for information until they want to exit the program
- visualize at least two to three of the text printouts
- include an introduction message for the user
- use try and except to handle bad input
- allow users to search for specific items and specific statistics about each item
- include at least one custom module, one dictionary, and one function
- create a dictionary of dictionaries for each item in the file
- create a function that allows the user to exit the program
- import the tsv files
- read through each data file
- have the layout of my options menu
- include at least three to four options all with descriptive titles
- create functions for at least one to two of the options
Stretch Goals:
- include all four data sets
- include additional data set about cheapest item locations
- integrate Eve Online’s Crest API to pull more data
- allow visualization for all text printouts