Ga Kay's Project Update & Stand-Up Report 1

by Ga Kay Gao

18 Apr 2016


I’m surprised at how much progress I’ve made since the last class. I created a dictionary of dicationaries for each item in the data sets. I thought that process would take a long time since dictionaries are still a fairly new concept for me, but I was able to get it to work pretty quickly. I decided to use Cloud 9, and I actually really like the interface. Since we have been using Trinket all semester, I wanted to push myself to try Cloud 9. I haven’t run into any main issues with Cloud 9 except for the character limitation. I will need to find a way around this, so that is one roadblock that I will need to cross the further I get in my project. With my project so far, I have a tentative option list on what the user can do. Right now, all the options don’t work, but some of the options have some functionality to them. One future roadblock is getting my code to be extremely robust. I don’t want the user to not be able to search for something, but I’m currently having a hard time making sure I figure out a way to allow my code to do just about anything with the data. I’m slowly working on figuring out how to make my code robust. I have found myself adding more and more options to allow the users to do more things.

In terms of what I wanted to accomplish for Tuesday, I was able to follow my plan pretty well. I accomplished most of what I wanted to do. I was hoping to have at least some of my options to be fully completed by Tuesday, but I’m still working on the functionalities for most of the options. I think my milestones are pretty good for what I wanted to do. For one of my stretch goals, I said to use all four data sets. Once I started working on my project, I found it very easy to implement the use of all four data sets since the structure of the data sets were very similar.

Required Milestones:

  • include at at least two of the four data sets
  • allow users to search through any type of data set
  • have a text-based interface
  • have a “help” function that the user can access by typing “/help” (or something similar to that)
  • allow the user to keep searching for information until they want to exit the program
  • visualize at least two to three of the text printouts
  • include an introduction message for the user
  • include at least three to four options for the user to choose from
  • use try and except to handle bad input
  • allow users to search for specific items and specific statistics about each item
  • include at least one custom module, one dictionary, and one function
    • create a dictionary of dictionaries for each item in the file
    • create a function that allows the user to exit the program

Stretch Goals:

  • include all four data sets
  • include additional data set about cheapest item locations
  • integrate Eve Online’s Crest API to pull more data
  • allow visualization for all text printouts

For Tuesday:

  • import the csv files
  • read through each data file
  • include a welcome message for the user
  • have the layout of my options menu
    • include at least three to four options all with descriptive titles
    • create functions for at least one to two of the options

For Thursday:

  • have the help function print tips and more instructions for the user
  • format the printouts so that it doesn’t just print the dictionary
  • fully complete at least one of the functionalities for the options
  • order the data within the dictionary
Ga Kay is currently a sophomore studying Information Science at UNC-Chapel Hill. Find Ga Kay Gao on Twitter, Github, and on the web.