Ruotong's Game App

by Ruotong Yang

09 Mar 2016


I first tried to write a treasure hunt program. I planned to work on level 1 first with 3 boxes, then if I can I will move to level 2 with 5 boxes. I also tried to make the gamer earn different scores whether the gamer guesses correct immediately or wrong once then right. I found it is not easy to achieve that. Maybe just let the gamer guess once will be better.

Now here is the updated version. I got rid of the feature “trying again” if the user does not guess correctly in the first guess. And I will let the user get into the next round by hitting “s” key.
Now one problem is the global variable. The trinket will send me error message about the varaibles that I tried to use as global variables which are the counters.
Another problem is the up right corner board showing counts. I tried to write nothing everytime before I writer new counts out, but it seems does not work. –> Got this one solved by defining a counter = Screen_update(), then I can clear the things counter writes!
What is more, I think one round should end if the user click one box. But now the game will let the user click again and again unless the user hit the “s” key.

As stuck with the first game, I come up with an idea of calculation game (boring…). I thought this would be easier to be solved. But it turns out that for this one it is more difficult to keep track with the random number. Or maybe if I do not use the self-defined class, it would be easier.

Apparently the two games are similar. Now I have another idea that let the user choose from a bunch of colors, then count the number of cool/warm tone the user choose. I can imagine I will still face a similar problem. Maybe too many ideas, but not enough achievement…

- [x] Come up with an idea of the ‘game’
- [x] Set up the interface
- [x] Display information to the user using custom turtle objects
- [x] Users can control by keys
- [x] Users can control by clicks
- [ ] Have a ‘win’ screen or something displayed during the game
- [x] Use custom modules and functions
- [x] Use objects that are instantions of one or more custom extensions of Python’s Turtle class
- [ ] The user can play again or start over without using the Run button
- [x] Have a nicer interface than the one of Drawing App

Ruotong Yang is a master student in STOR department at UNC Chapel Hill. Find Ruotong Yang on Twitter, Github, and on the web.