Ruotong's Game Milestones

by Ruotong Yang

02 Mar 2016

- [ ] Come up with an idea of the ‘game’
- [ ] Set up the interface
- [ ] Display information to the user using custom turtle objects
- [ ] Users can control by keys
- [ ] Users can control by clicks
- [ ] Have a ‘win’ screen or something displayed during the game
- [ ] The use of global variable in order to tracking the game
- [ ] Use custom modules and functions
- [ ] Use objects that are instantions of one or more custom extensions of Python’s Turtle class
- [ ] The user can play again or start over without using the Run button
- [ ] Have a nicer interface than the one of Drawing App

Ruotong Yang is a master student in STOR department at UNC Chapel Hill. Find Ruotong Yang on Twitter, Github, and on the web.