First Project Update

by William Chen

18 Apr 2016

So far I haven’t done any actual coding; I’m still working on planning and writing out what the new functions of my code will do and how that will impact my base code from before. I want to tackle this final project in the same way I did with its first iteration since it was really smooth for me once I actually sat down and started programming, a habit that I picked up in this class. I’m playing with the idea of allowing the user to select a difficulty at the of the game start instead of just always starting them at the easiest level and letting them ramp up through getting a score. Either that or allow them to ‘unlock’ the higher stages based on their currently saved high score.

What I currently see as roadblocks or possible bumps is the amount of repetitive code that will be used and how well I will be able to clean it up and create a useful function for it. A lot of the working pieces in my hangman game are all controlled by a few turtles but with my additions it’ll cause them to be split even more so. I’m also not that confident in my creativity or ability to make animations so the visuals might be lacking again, but I hope to give myself enough time to create something good.

My milestones and plans combined similar objectives into one milestone/objective, so I might have to revise those and split them up in the future, but I’m not completely positive yet so I want to still leave them as a single “mission” to be cleared. Some of them were also pretty vague and I have a better idea of what I want the final product to look like now so I have revised my milestones:

Functionality Milestones:

  • Allow user to click on keys on the screen
  • Give points to user for guessing words correctly
  • Allow user to enter their own word list
  • Create 3 different difficulty levels
  • Improve on screen text to be more descriptive and helpful to the user
  • (Sort of Stretch) Increase difficulty based on score

Visual Milestones:

  • Change the color of keys when they are pressed
  • Make completion screen more exciting by importing outside images
  • Improve user interface with more drawings

I have also revised my plan to more accurately reflect my process thus far and what I plan on doing in the future:

  1. Think out changes, start planning them with pseudo code and concepts
  2. On screen click keys that change color
  3. Implement score system
  4. Implement level system
  5. Update on screen text to include more information
  6. Unique screens for levels and end score
  7. End game animations for 4 different score ranges
  8. Allow user to import words
  9. Automatically ramp up difficulty as game progresses
Will is a Senior Computer Science major trying to graduate and move on with his life. Find William Chen on Twitter, Github, and on the web.