Files Exercises

by William Chen

22 Mar 2016

Exercises 1-3:

These exercises were pretty familiar since we had already done a bit with this in earlier chapter exercises.

Exercise 4:

Working with Yang was great, we blazed through the exercises and whenever we hit a snag we were able to communicate well and solve the problem quickly. On the final part of the exercise, I took a cheap way out since I could easily access the information in the lists while Yang actually made code that could handle many cases of payment types. We found a weird value of ‘000”’ in the payment types and decided to not include that since it only had one instance of it. I think Yang’s solution to the last part was really smart, she pushed herself to make her code more robust and versatile, while I just aimed to complete the assignment; I think that’s really admirable of her and I’ll try to remember that attitude when working on future programs.

Will is a Senior Computer Science major trying to graduate and move on with his life. Find William Chen on Twitter, Github, and on the web.