Kit's Python Website

by Kit Krueger

21 Mar 2016

For my extra credit project, I elected to make a simple website so that all my work from this class would be easily accessible. There is a homepage, a page with all of the Alice in Wonderland games empbedded, and a page with a list of links to all of the programs I’ve written. The last two are ordered chronologically with the most recent projects first. This makes it easy to see the learning curve and also to add new ones.


  • Homepage with brief explanation
  • Lewis Carroll page with embedded games
  • All projects page with links to Trinket
  • Links on each page to the others
  • Aesthetically pleasing format

There were some bits of HTML that I’m either using horribly wrong (certainly possible) or that Cloud9 does not recognize (also possible, but intensely irritating). The footer format does not come through, and the links remain stubbornly blue. The a:visited command does not seem to work. I wanted the embedded files on the games page to hide the code, but that does not seem to have come through either (it did on the second but no others).

Apart from these issues, I’m not displeased. This is the second website I’ve made, and the first was in 161 last fall, so the mere fact that it works is something. Here is the link.

Kit is an LS student who enjoys academic libraries as well as holding coats and snickering. Find Kit Krueger on Twitter, Github, and on the web.