Refactoring together!

by Elliott Hauser

16 Feb 2016

Pair up and merge up.

You know the drill. Pay attention to how your partner’s merged post looks. They may need to add empty lines around the iframes or code blocks to make sure they display correctly.

Mini Warm up: Solve this twice

Work in a pair programming style to solve this challenge:

Make sure to consult your partner before typing- and make sure you’re helping the driver! Then siwtch and solve the problem again but do it a different way.
What ‘different’ means is up to you. Don’t spend more than a few minutes on this total; it’s a warm up!

Reflect together

Make sure your partner’s reflection is displaying correctly, but no need to read it. Explain your main points breifly to your partner, and refer to them as needed in the rest of the discussion below.

Tetris time!

Explain your refactor to your partner, walking them through the code. Then hear them explain theirs. Any problems or things that confused you? Any lightbulbs for you or them? Take notes on these lightbulbs and problems for the group.

Group up

Join your group. Equpped with your notes from your partner, explain what you discovered together discuss what the other group encountered with them.

Think about how what you’re discussing could impact your upcoming drawing app. Are you thinking differently about anything now?

Elliott Hauser is a PhD Student in information science at UNC Chapel Hill. He's hacking education as one of the cofounders of Find Elliott Hauser on Twitter, Github, and on the web.