Peer Clinic

by Elliott Hauser

23 Feb 2016

Spend a minimum of 60 minutes with your partner on the exercise below. You may spend more time, of course, if you’d like and your schedules allow. At this point you shuld not copy any of your partner’s code, though you may with attribution use their ideas or strategies in your own way. In pair programming terms, you may serve as ‘navigator’ for your partner as you discuss code, but each student should always be their own driver.

Pair Up

We’ll have new pairs for this exercise so that you get plenty of perspectives on your work. That said, feel free to reach back out to your previous partner if you think you’d like their thoughts as well.

jamesma560 : JayYang95
wagerpascal : hannahlwang
EternalFootman : nataliele
ShyArmadillo8 : clairewlj
izayak : namagic
yiyangshi : touchwick
batlopez : jwarrich
ericabrody : payalpn
tsukori : wfh1972
wookiemage : RhymesWithMecca
camazotz : gao14g

Warm Up

Work in a pair programming style to solve this challenge:

Make sure to consult your partner before typing- and make sure you’re helping the driver! Then siwtch and solve the problem again but do it a different way.
What ‘different’ means is up to you. Don’t spend more than a few minutes on this total; it’s a warm up!


Review and merge each other’s pull requests. Confirm with your partner that they’ve embedded a duplicate of their drawing app, not the actual one, so that their edits wont get pushed to their post.

Go over each other’s list of issues and questions and help each other out. If you have problems, solve them. If you don’t, think together about how the apps could be even better. In general, use your partner as a sounding board. Look back over your milestones- did you hit them? Should they be revised? What can you do in the next 48 hours to make your app better?

Elliott Hauser is a PhD Student in information science at UNC Chapel Hill. He's hacking education as one of the cofounders of Find Elliott Hauser on Twitter, Github, and on the web.