Ruotong's Drawing App Snapshot

by Ruotong Yang

22 Feb 2016

Updated Milestones
- [x] Set up a basic sturcture (Trinket code)
- [x] Build up functions for drawing shapes, lines etc.
- [x] Users can control the screen with keys
- [x] Accepts users’ clicks
- [x] Have an entirely graphical user interface (i.e. no printed text input besides what turtle.write())
- [x] Allow the user to select a drawing mode that changes the program’s repsonse to clicks and/or keys
- [x] Display the current mode and other relevant information to the user
- [x] Allow the user to choose and draw shapes, lines, and colors depending upon the selected mode
- [ ] Allow the user to clear the drawing and start over
- [ ] Utilize custom modules for readability and organization
- [ ] Utilize custom functions for modularity
- [ ] Utilize definite loops (i.e. for loops)
- [ ] Utilize multiple Turtle objects
- [ ] Utilize a named Screen object
- [ ] Run without errors
- [x] Be well-commented
- [ ] Be well-organized and readable
Finished small parts, and the whole structure (e.g. loops) will be built later.


If we put a function into the screen.onkey() function, the function cannot take arguments as it is not been called. So in this case the go_left() functions etc. can only be placed in [solved]
2. In order to enter clicks mode, have to press ‘2’ key 2 times… [just click 2 times…]

Ruotong Yang is a master student in STOR department at UNC Chapel Hill. Find Ruotong Yang on Twitter, Github, and on the web.