Yiyang's Third Project Update

by Yiyang Shi

25 Apr 2016

Here is the program: https://github.com/yiyangshi/FinalProject

Up to this point, the most part of the project is done. I ended up making five functionalities instead of three, which reflected an unclear view at the very beginning. Then writing the code for various functions, I took a lot of time thinking about who my users will be and what kind of information they would be interested in getting out of this little “App”. If I have thought this through more clearly at the beginning, the coding would be more smooth.

So far, the functionalities are done. I have also added a bar chart into the program. However, the bar chart is not well legended yet. I plan on improving the visualization more. I also will allow users to upload their own files. And, most importantly, clean up the codes. Looking ahead, I would not go for the strech goals but just make my current program nicer.


For Tuesday:

  • Configure PyCharm. Clean and upload the large database into PyCharm.
  • Write function that take carrier name as input and calculate the max, mean, and min delay time for the carrier.
  • Write function that take carrier name as input and calculate the top delay reasons and corresponding delay time for the carrier.
  • Do step 2 and 3 again for the airports.

For Thursday:

  • Write function to calculate the top 10 carriers that are most likely to delay.
  • Write function to calculate the average delay time for different day of week.

For Tuesday:

  • Write function to calculate the top airports that have high delay time due to weather or other reasons.
  • Run the above codes on data of another month.
  • Build visualization on the top 10 carriers
  • Build user interface. Allow users to choose between the three functionality.
  • Create Help Functions
  • Improve the program. Creat “graceful” error message and quit option.

To Be Scheduled:

  • Improve visualization.
  • Allow users to upload their files.
  • Debug.

Strech Goals:

  • Maybe use turtle to create line graph.
  • Make the program into an “App”-like program. Make it fun.
Find Yiyang Shi on Twitter, Github, and on the web.