Yiyang's Project Update and Stand-up report 1

by Yiyang Shi

19 Apr 2016

I have accomplished my objectives for Tuesday. I have PyCharm run smoothly on my computer and have figured out how to add multiple files to a project. My csv file is too big to open in PyCharm so I have to constantly take sample from the whole file to see what my codes did to the document. When I change the file to lists of lists, the quotes on the text automatically became part of the string. So I wrote some codes to clean out the quotes in the string. Since the complete cleaning process takes 18 seconds, I decided to work on the first 10 lines in the table to see if my functions work correctly. When all the calculation codes are finished, I will change the range to the first 1000 lines to format the result. I will change the range to the whole file at the end.

I have also written functions to take carrier/airport name as input and calculate the max, mean, and min delay time, and functions to calculate the top delay reasons and corresponding delay time as planned. They have input controls and “help” functions. However, the codes are not concise enought. I plan to improve it in the “debug” step.

At this point, I think my milestones are very doable. Considering the time left, they are ambitious enough. I imagine that the visualization building step would take some time because I do not have a clear view on it yet. That being said, I think I can still keep to my plan.


For Tuesday:

  • Configure PyCharm. Clean and upload the large database into PyCharm.
  • Write function that take carrier name as input and calculate the max, mean, and min delay time for the carrier.
  • Write function that take carrier name as input and calculate the top delay reasons and corresponding delay time for the carrier.
  • Do step 2 and 3 again for the airports.

For Thursday:

  • Write function to calculate the top 10 carriers that are most likely to delay.
  • Write function to calculate the average delay time for different day of week.

To Be Scheduled:

  • Write function to calculate the top airports that have high delay time due to weather or other reasons.
  • Run the above codes on data of another month.
  • Build visualization on the top 10 carriers
  • Build user interface. Allow users to choose between the three functionality.
  • Create Help Functions
  • Improve the program. Creat “graceful” error message and quit option.
  • Debug.

Strech Goals:

  • Maybe use turtle to create line graph.
  • Make the program into an “App”-like program. Make it fun.
Find Yiyang Shi on Twitter, Github, and on the web.