Ga Kay's Turtle Treasure Hunt Game

by Ga Kay Gao

25 Jan 2016

Here is my treasure hunt exercise:

Reflection: This exercise was fun but also challenging. At first, I had problems getting my if statements to work and making sure they handled numbers outside of the range of values. I was eventually able to figure that out after working at it a bit. The hardest part I had trouble with was figuring out the code to give users feedback on how close they were to the treasure. At first I did this: user_x == treasure_x + ## but then I realized that makes no sense unless the user puts in the exact number. A lightbulb turned on in my head, and I figured out that I had to do a range of values. After doing that, I was finally able to get my code to work. After completing this exercise, I feel like I have a better understand of if statements and loops.

Ga Kay is currently a sophomore studying Information Science at UNC-Chapel Hill. Find Ga Kay Gao on Twitter, Github, and on the web.