James' Tresure Hunt Exercise

by James Moore

25 Jan 2016

Here’s my treasure hunt exercise:


Firstly, I appreciated the fact that we were provided some starter code for this exercise. The comments were extremely insightful as well. Based off of my experiences in prior computer science courses, sometimes the most intimidating thing about a project isn’t even the inherent complexity of the project itself but just a simple blank screen. Kind of like that Spongebob episode where Spongebob can’t start an essay because he can’t get past the act of staring at a blank piece of paper. Now I’m not saying I think every single exercise should have starter code, but what I’m saying is having it for this exercise was a welcome change of pace.

One thing I took away from this exercise is how to have a “test” code and a “final” code. I noticed that in your directions, you mandated that the winner be decided based off of whether a user could land within 5 units of the random coordinates you picked. But since you set the range to be within -100 and 100, this made the “winner” section of my code difficult to see at first. However, by changing the winning proximity from “5” to “200” I was able to circumvent this.

Hi my name is James. I'm a 1st year Masters student. Find James Moore on Twitter, Github, and on the web.