Ruotong's Treasure Hunt Turtle

by Ruotong Yang

25 Jan 2016

Here is the embedded link from Trinket:

Problems encountered:
1. Distance between two points’ representation in Python [solved]
There are two ways: 1) use a specific function called ‘hypot’ 2) directly use the Pythagorean theorem with ‘sqrt’ function.
Do not forget put ‘math.’ before ‘sqrt’.
2. String and variable print at the same time [solved]
There is one way like this: print “If there was a birth every 7 seconds, there would be: {0} births”.format(births).
3. Round function [solved]

***After the inclass discussion:
1. I should’ve included message if the input is bad.
2. Give the player the information about the direction would be helpful. e.g. East,North,South,West. 3. .towards() and .distance() and .color(). Make the turtle towards the treasure and change its color reder if get closer.

Why this does not work?
if not isinstance(user_x, (int,float) ) or not isinstance(user_y, (int,float) ) :
print(“Enter a number :(“)
elif abs( float(user_x) ) > 100 or abs( float(user_y) ) > 100 :
print(“Enter something between -100 and 100 :)”)

Ruotong Yang is a master student in STOR department at UNC Chapel Hill. Find Ruotong Yang on Twitter, Github, and on the web.