Ruotong's Chapter3 Conditionals Exercises

by Ruotong Yang

21 Jan 2016

Here is the embeded link from Trinket:

My thoughts:
1. I tried to print ‘No input’ if there is no input to variables ‘hour’, ‘rate’ etc.
I searched online and find this on Stack Overflow:
Then I used the boolean operator ‘not’ to achieve that.
I also checked that ‘not’ has a higher precedence than ‘or’ through the document (part 5.15):
Or the following link neatly provide only the table:

My questions:
1. For exercise 3, for score less than 0 or greater than 10, I print ‘Bad score’ in the try part. Should that be put in except part? <\n> I also add a comment in the Trinket file to indicate that question’s position.

This problem is solved when I do the Chapter4 Exercise.

Ruotong Yang is a master student in STOR department at UNC Chapel Hill. Find Ruotong Yang on Twitter, Github, and on the web.