James Refactoring Tetris

by James Moore

15 Feb 2016

Refactoring tetris exercise:


So I couldn’t quite figure this one out in time. I think I got most of it done by refactoring the original code individual actions. So for example I ended making functions out of the pieces, buttons, and keypad respectively. Once I refactored everything I refactored, I copied and pasted the function definitions to the animations.py file. From there I ran the program, intentionally running into errors, so I could find out when something needed to be returned or when I needed to pass something to a function.

However I ran into a road block on line 272 (as you’ll see when you run the code) with handling the pieces part of the program. I’ve tried returning both p and pieces from pieces() and passing it into the draw_piece function but to no avail. I really feel like I’m close however.

Hi my name is James. I'm a 1st year Masters student. Find James Moore on Twitter, Github, and on the web.