Last Week’s Milestones:
- Clean, readable code
- Use of a text file with difficulty settings and other settings
- Sleeker UI
- Restart function
- Help dialogue
- Players start with a number of lives
- Keep track of game state in dictionary (lives, level, difficulty)
- Add more enemy turtles with increasing dificulty
- Use of imported images (maybe)
- Pause/resume function
I started out by redesigning user interface. I replaced the options on the top that originally allowed the user to change the difficulty (since that will now automatically increase as the player progresses) with a help button and a restart button. The buttons have a thicker outline and are colored in with a light color to make them more visualy pleasing. Although I am still working on making the states of turtle more manageable so that a restart function can be implemented easily, I have created the overall framewok of the code to (hopefully) let the user pause/resume the game at will. This has yet to be tested since the turtles are not done. Overall, I feel that the milestones I have set for myself are reachable and I have added a couple stretch milestones.
Stretch goals:
- Improve enemy turtle AI
- Have power-ups that player can pick up or extra lives
Goals for Tuesday:
- Pause/resume function
- Sleeker UI
- Help dialogue
Goals for Thursday:
- Get pause/resume to function 100% properly
- Have a text file containing settings
- Create a dictionary of game states (current level/difficulty, # of lives, # of enemies)
- Cleanly manage states of turtles so that restart function can reset these states
- Add more enemy turtles
After a little testing I saw that the pause/resume created some weird bugs, so I have moved it to goals for Thursday.