Payal's Clicky Turtle

by Payal Patel

31 Jan 2016

Clicky Turtle:


For my clicky turtle exercise I decided to make something that would allow the user to create a design by clicking anywhere on the screen. The color of the design changes depending on where the user has clicked on the screen (quadrant 1, 2, 3, or 4). Initially, there was only one design that was repeated. I wanted the design to alternate so I created another function to include in the clicky function. This function (the design function) included two different designs and was created using and if/else statement and two for loops. By doing this I was able to add some variety to the designs that would appear as the user clicked on the screen.

I printed the instructions for the user so it would appear at the bottom before they started clicking. My original plan was to have tina write it to the screen, however, I didn’t want the instructions to appear on the screen has the user created their design. I tried to find a way to erase the words after they were written, but I couldn’t figure out a way that wouldn’t result in erasing everything on the screen.

Payal is a junior at UNC-Chapel Hill majoring in Information Science. Find Payal Patel on Twitter, Github, and on the web.